11·勉励安静作工及行善 3章6节至15节
 11·勉励安静作工及行善 3章6节至15节

三6 :呂振中譯為「弟兄們,我們奉我們主耶穌基督的名囑咐你
遠離。」英文譯為、Now we command you , brethren, in
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ , that you keep away from any brother who is living in idleness and
not in accord with the tradition that you received
from us. "另譯、And we charge you , brothers , in the
name of our Lord, Jesus Christ , to draw back
yourselves from every brother walking (in an) unruly
(way) , and not according to the teaching which he
received from us. "
「不按規矩而行J .參考帖前五14 。
三9 【權柄】 .呂振中譯為【權利】天主教譯為【受供養的權
利】英文譯為r i gh t '另譯為authority 參考林前九4"-'18
;徒二十33'"'-' 35 。
三lO【若有人不肯作工,就不可喂飯】 .這或許是猶太人抑或希
三12 :英譯為、Now such persons we command and exhort in
the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work in quietness
and to earn their own living." 另譯、And we enjoin
such and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that
working with quietness they may eat their own bread.
9 因有人熱衷於士的再臨而不務正業,又專管閒事,故保羅又奉主的名,又用命令來勸戒他們。
三13 【 你們行善不可喪志】 .對主再臨的最好準備是時常行善。
不可喪志,因必有收成(加六9'"'-'10) 。英文譯為、do not
be weary in well doing." 另譯、do not lose heart
(i n) well-doing."
三14 【若有人不聽從我們這信上的話】 .指六至十二節的話。
三15 【勸他】 .英文譯為、warn him" 則【警告他】