G4067 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


4067peripsema {per-ip'-say-mah} 源自4012的比较级与psao (擦拭);TDNT-6:84,*;中性名词 AV-offscouring 1;1

1)尘土,渣滓 雅典人为了防止浩劫,每年将一个囚犯丢入海里献给海神.该名词用来指代赎的祭物,赎价. 亦即为了救自己儿子的生命,让这个人的生命成为受人唾弃,没有价值的生命,以用来作为 替别人死的祭物.

4067peripsema {per-ip'-say-mah} from a comparative of 4012and psao (to rub);TDNT-6:84,*;n n AV-offscouring 1;1

1)what is wiped off
2)dirt rubbed off
3)off scouring,scrapings The Athenians,in order to avert public calamities,yearly threw a criminal into the sea as an offering to Poseidon;hence the term became used for an expiatory offering,a ransom,for our child,i.e. in comparison with the saving of our son's life let it be to us a despicable and worthless thing.It is used of a man who in behalf of religion undergoes dire trials for the salvation of others.