G4151 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


4151pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} 源自4154;TDNT-6:332,876;中性名词 钦定本-Spirit 111,Holy Ghost 89,Spirit (of God)13, Spirit (of the Lord)5,(My)Spirit 3,Spirit (of truth)3, Spirit (of Christ)2,human (spirit)49,(evil)spirit 47, spirit (general)26,spirit 8,(Jesus'own)spirit 6, (Jesus'own)ghost 2,misc 21;385

3)一种灵,亦即:一种单一的本质,没有全面的或致少是显着的内容, 并且具有理解,渴望,和行动的力量

4151pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} from 4154;TDNT-6:332,876;n n AV-Spirit 111,Holy Ghost 89,Spirit (of God)13, Spirit (of the Lord)5,(My)Spirit 3,Spirit (of truth)3, Spirit (of Christ)2,human (spirit)49,(evil)spirit 47, spirit (general)26,spirit 8,(Jesus'own)spirit 6, (Jesus'own)ghost 2,misc 21;385

1)the third person of the triune God,the Holy Spirit,coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son
-1a)sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises his personality and character (the \Holy\Spirit)
-1b)sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises his work and power (the Spirit of \Truth\)
-1c)never referred to as a depersonalised force
2)the spirit,i.e.the vital principal by which the body is animated
-2a)the rational spirit,the power by which the human being feels, thinks,decides
-2b)the soul
3)a spirit,i.e.a simple essence,devoid of all or at least all grosser matter,and possessed of the power of knowing, desiring,deciding,and acting
-3a)a life giving spirit
-3b)a human soul that has left the body
-3c)a spirit higher than man but lower than God,i.e.an angel
--3c1)used of demons,or evil spirits,who were conceived as inhabiting the bodies of men
--3c2)the spiritual nature of Christ,higher than the highest angels and equal to God,the divine nature of Christ
4)the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul of any one
-4a)the efficient source of any power,affection,emotion,desire,etc.
5)a movement of air (a gentle blast)
-5a)of the wind,hence the wind itself
-5b)breath of nostrils or mouth