G4716 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


4716stauros {stow-ros'} 源于2476的字源;TDNT-7:572,1071;阳性名词 AV-cross 28;28

-2a)希腊人和罗马人由腓尼基人处所引入的一种以极端残忍及羞辱而着名的刑具;成为罗马帝国所使用 的刑罚之一,直到康士坦丁大帝时才废止,用于十恶不赦之罪犯,尤其如社会最低阶层的如隶, 强盗,教嗦或带头叛乱的人,在偶而的情形下于各行省中,因着统治长官的个人好恶,正直和平 顺的人,甚至罗马公民,也有被施以此刑的.

4716stauros {stow-ros'} from the base of 2476;TDNT-7:572,1071;n m AV-cross 28;28

1)an upright stake,esp.a pointed one
2)a cross
-2a)a well known instrument of most cruel and ignominious punishment,borrowed by the Greeks and Romans from the Phoenicians;to it were affixed among the Romans,down to the time of Constantine the Great,the guiltiest criminals, particularly the basest slaves,robbers,the authors and abetters of insurrections,and occasionally in the provinces, at the arbitrary pleasure of the governors,upright and peaceable men also,and even Roman citizens themselves
-2b)the crucifixion which Christ underwent