G5586 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


5586psephos {psay'-fos} 与5584同源;TDNT-9:604,1341;阴性名词 AV-stone 2,voice 1;3

2)投票(以计算小圆石来投票),徒26:10:投票反对和合作:出名定案) (古代的审判中以黑色小石来表示判决有罪,白色小石代表判定无罪)徒26:10:投票反对和合作:出名定案) (古代的审判中以黑色小石来表示判决有罪,白色小石代表判定无罪)

5586psephos {psay'-fos} from the same as 5584;TDNT-9:604,1341;n f AV-stone 2,voice 1;3

1)a small worn smooth stone,a pebble
-1a)in the ancient courts of justice the accused were condemned by black pebbles and the acquitted by white
2)a vote (on account of the use of pebbles in voting)