H1008 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


01008Beyth-'El {bayth-ale'} 源自01004和0410;TWOT-241a;专有名词地名 钦定本-Bethel 66,non translated variable 4;70 伯特利="神的家"

1)位在便雅悯边界的以法莲也是古代敬拜神的地方, 被视为与路斯(从前的名字)相同

01008Beyth-'El {bayth-ale'} from 01004and 0410;TWOT-241a;n pr loc AV-Bethel 66,non translated variable 4;70 Bethel ="house of God"

1)ancient place and seat of worship in Ephraim on border of Benjamin, identified with Luz (former name)
2)a place in south country of Judah,not far from Beersheba and Ziklag