H1096 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


01096Belt@sha'tstsar (亚兰文){bale-tesh-ats-tsar'} 源于一相当于01095的字根;;阳性专有名词 钦定本-Belteshazzar 8;8 伯提沙撒="穷困者的宝藏之主"

1)第四个大先知,他是第一波被掳去巴比伦的人之一;藉着神所赐 解梦的恩赐,他成为巴比伦及后续的波斯帝国的宰相,权力仅在王 一人之下.他的预言提供我们了解末世景象的关键.与他同时代的先 知以西结记载了有关他的圣洁的事迹.

01096Belt@sha'tstsar (Aramaic){bale-tesh-ats-tsar'} from a root corresponding to 01095;;n pr m AV-Belteshazzar 8;8 Belteshazzar ="lord of the straitened's treasure"

1)the 4th of the greater prophets,taken as hostage in the first deportation to Babylon;because of the gift of God of the interpretation of dreams,he became the 2nd in command of the Babylon empire and lasted through the end of the Babylonian empire and into the Persian empire.His prophecies are the key to the understanding of end time events.Noted for his purity and holiness by contemporary prophet,Ezekiel
-1a)also,'Daniel'(01840or 01841)