H1121 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


01121ben {bane} 源自01129;TWOT-254;阳性名词 AV-son 2978,children 1568,old 135,first 51,man 20,young 18, young +0124117,child 10,stranger 10,people 5,misc 92;4906


01121ben {bane} from 01129;TWOT-254;n m AV-son 2978,children 1568,old 135,first 51,man 20,young 18, young +0124117,child 10,stranger 10,people 5,misc 92;4906

1)son,grandson,child,member of a group
-1a)son,male child
-1c)children (pl.-male and female)
-1d)youth,young men (pl.)
-1e)young (of animals)
-1f)sons (as characterisation,ie sons of injustice [for un- righteous men]or sons of God [for angels]
-1g)people (of a nation)(pl.)
-1h)of lifeless things,ie sparks,stars,arrows (fig.)
-1i)a member of a guild,order,class