H1867 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


01867Dar`yavesh {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} 源于波斯文;;阳性专有名词 钦定本-Darius 10;10 大利乌="主"

1)大利乌玛代族人,亚哈随鲁的儿子,迦勒底国的王,他于伯沙撒王死后继承 了巴比伦王国;可能与"Astyages"相同,为玛代族最后的国王(主前538年)
2)大利乌,Hystaspes 之子,波亚(Perso-Arian)王朝的始祖(主前521年)
-3a)大利乌二世,Nothus (Ochus)是尼希米时代的波斯王(主前424/3-405/4). 最可能是大利乌二世是因为他是在尼希米时代作王,也曾被尼希米提及
-3b)大利乌三世,Codomannus 是波斯帝国末期亚历山大大帝时的王, 也是与他敌对的人(主前336-330)

01867Dar`yavesh {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} of Persian origin;;n pr m AV-Darius 10;10 Darius ="lord"

1)Darius the Mede,the son of Ahasuerus,king of the Chaldeans,who succeeded to the Babylonian kingdom on the death of Belshazzar; probably the same as "Astyages"the last king of the Medes (538BC)
2)Darius,the son of Hystaspes,the founder of the Perso-Arian dynasty (521BC)
3)Darius IIor Darius III
-3a)Darius II,Nothus (Ochus)was king of Persia during the time of Nehemiah (424/3-405/4BC).Darius IIis the most probable because he is mentioned by Nehemiah and ruled during the time of Nehemiah
-3b)Darius III,Codomannus was king of Persia during its last years at the time of Alexander the Great and was his opponent (336-330BC)