H3201 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


03201yakol {yaw-kole'}或(fuller)yakowl {yaw-kole'} 字根型;TWOT-866;动词 AV-could 46,able 43,cannot 34,prevail 22,may 16,can 12, canst 5,endure 2,might 2,misc 13;195

--1a1)有能力,有能力去获取或完成,有能力去忍受, 有能力达到

03201yakol {yaw-kole'}or (fuller)yakowl {yaw-kole'} a primitive root;TWOT-866;v AV-could 46,able 43,cannot 34,prevail 22,may 16,can 12, canst 5,endure 2,might 2,misc 13;195

1)to prevail,overcome,endure,have power,be able
--1a1)to be able,be able to gain or accomplish,be able to endure, be able to reach
--1a2)to prevail,prevail over or against,overcome,be victor
--1a3)to have ability,have strength