H3335 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


03335yatsar {yaw-tsar'} 可能完全同于03334(挤压成形), ([比较03331]);TWOT-898;动词 钦定本-form 26,potter 17,fashion 5,maker 4,frame 3,make 3, former 2,earthen 1,purposed 1;62


03335yatsar {yaw-tsar'} probably identical with 03334(through the squeezing into shape), ([compare 03331]);TWOT-898;v AV-form 26,potter 17,fashion 5,maker 4,frame 3,make 3, former 2,earthen 1,purposed 1;62

1)to form,fashion,frame
-1a)(Qal)to form,fashion
--1a1)of human activity
--1a2)of divine activity
--1a2a)of creation
-1a2a1)of original creation
-1a2a2)of individuals at conception
-1a2a3)of Israel as a people
--1a2b)to frame,pre-ordain,plan (fig.of divine) purpose of a situation)
-1b)(Niphal)to be formed,be created
-1c)(Pual)to be predetermined,be pre-ordained
-1d)(Hophal)to be formed