H3947 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


03947laqach {law-kakh'} 字根型;TWOT-1124;动词 AV-take 747,receive 61,take away 51,fetch 31,bring 25,get 6, take out 6,carry away 5,married 4,buy 3,misc 26;965

1)取,拿,拿来,握着,夺取,接受,获得,买, 带,结婚,娶妻,抓走,拿走
--1a4)拿给或拿去给某人,获得,拿,拥有, 挑选,选择,结婚,接受,接纳

03947laqach {law-kakh'} a primitive root;TWOT-1124;v AV-take 747,receive 61,take away 51,fetch 31,bring 25,get 6, take out 6,carry away 5,married 4,buy 3,misc 26;965

1)to take,get,fetch,lay hold of,seize,receive,acquire,buy, bring,marry,take a wife,snatch,take away
--1a1)to take,take in the hand
--1a2)to take and carry along
--1a3)to take from,take out of,take,carry away,take away
--1a4)to take to or for a person,procure,get,take possession of, select,choose,take in marriage,receive,accept
--1a5)to take up or upon,put upon
--1a6)to fetch
--1a7)to take,lead,conduct
--1a8)to take,capture,seize
--1a9)to take,carry off
--1a10)to take (vengeance)
--1b1)to be captured
--1b2)to be taken away,be removed
--1b3)to be taken,brought unto
--1c1)to be taken from or out of
--1c2)to be stolen from
--1c3)to be taken captive
--1c4)to be taken away,be removed
--1d1)to be taken unto,be brought unto
--1d2)to be taken out of
--1d3)to be taken away
--1e1)to take hold of oneself
--1e2)to flash about (of lightning)