H408 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


0408'al {al} 否定语助词[近似03808];TWOT-90;否定副词 AV-never 2,nay 1,neither 1,no 1,none 1,nor 1,not 1,nothing 1, rather than 1,whither 1,nothing worth 1;12


0408'al {al} a negative particle [akin to 03808];TWOT-90;neg adv AV-never 2,nay 1,neither 1,no 1,none 1,nor 1,not 1,nothing 1, rather than 1,whither 1,nothing worth 1;12

1)not,no,nor,neither,nothing (as wish or preference)
-1a)do not,let not (with a verb)
-1b)let there not be (with a verb understood)
-1c)not,no (with substantive)
-1d)nothing (as substantive)