H4390 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


04390male'{maw-lay'}或mala'{maw-law'} 字根型;TWOT-1195;动词 AV-fill 107,full 48,fulfil 28,consecrate 15,accomplish 7, replenish 7,wholly 6,set 6,expired 3,fully 2,gather 2, overflow 2,satisfy 2,misc 14;249


04390male'{maw-lay'}or mala'(Esth.7:5){maw-law'} a primitive root;TWOT-1195;v AV-fill 107,full 48,fulfil 28,consecrate 15,accomplish 7, replenish 7,wholly 6,set 6,expired 3,fully 2,gather 2, overflow 2,satisfy 2,misc 14;249

1)to fill,be full
--1a1)to be full
--1a1a)fulness,abundance (participle)
--1a1b)to be full,be accomplished,be ended
--1a2)to consecrate,fill the hand
--1b1)to be filled,be armed,be satisfied
--1b2)to be accomplished,be ended
--1c1)to fill
--1c2)to satisfy
--1c3)to fulfil,accomplish,complete
--1c4)to confirm
-1d)(Pual)to be filled
-1e)(Hithpael)to mass themselves against