H5066 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


05066nagash {naw-gash'} 字根型;TWOT-1297;动词 AV-(come,draw,etc)..near 55,come 14,(come,draw,etc)..nigh 12, bring 13,...hither 7,offer 7,approach 5,forth 3,misc 9;125


05066nagash {naw-gash'} a primitive root;TWOT-1297;v AV-(come,draw,etc)..near 55,come 14,(come,draw,etc)..nigh 12, bring 13,...hither 7,offer 7,approach 5,forth 3,misc 9;125

1)to draw near,approach
-1a)(Qal)to draw or come near
--1a1)of humans
--1a1a)of sexual intercourse
--1a2)of inanimate subject
--1a2a)to approach one another
-1b)(Niphal)to draw near
-1c)(Hiphil)to cause to approach,bring near,bring
-1d)(Hophal)to be brought near
-1e)(Hithpael)to draw near