H935 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


0935bow'{bo} 字根型;TWOT-212;动词 AV-come 1435,bring 487,...in 233,enter 125,go 123,carry 17, ...down 23,pass 13,...out 12,misc 109;2577


0935bow'{bo} a primitive root;TWOT-212;v AV-come 1435,bring 487,...in 233,enter 125,go 123,carry 17, ...down 23,pass 13,...out 12,misc 109;2577

1)to go in,enter,come,go,come in
--1a1)to enter,come in
--1a2)to come
--1a2a)to come with
--1a2b)to come upon,fall or light upon,attack (enemy)
--1a2c)to come to pass
--1a3)to attain to
--1a4)to be enumerated
--1a5)to go
--1b1)to lead in
--1b2)to carry in
--1b3)to bring in,cause to come in,gather,cause to come, bring near,bring against,bring upon
--1b4)to bring to pass
--1c1)to be brought,brought in
--1c2)to be introduced,be put