G4398 | προφῆτις | |||||||
原文音譯:pro-phe'tis 對等譯字:BEFORE-AVERess 文法分類:名詞 出現次數:2 最先出現:路 2:36 最後出現:啟 2:20 和合本譯字及次數 先知 2 字義及字源追溯 女先知(4396=宣講聖言者)[(4253*=之前,以先)+(5346=說明)(5337X*=照亮)] a female foreteller or an inspired woman, fem. of 4396=a foreteller[(4253=fore*)+(5346=to show)(5337X=to shine*)] | prophetis prof-ay'-tis from 4396; TDNT - 6:781,952; n f AV - prophetess 2; 2 1) a prophetess 2) a woman to whom future events or things hidden from others are at times revealed, either by inspiration or by dreams and visions 3) a female who declares or interprets oracles |