G4752 | στρατεία | |||||||
原文音譯:stratei'a 對等譯字:WARfare 文法分類:名詞 出現次數:2 最先出現:林後 10:4 最後出現:提前 1:18 和合本譯字及次數 爭戰, 仗 字義及字源追溯 (4754*=當兵)(4760X=紮營的軍隊) military service, the apostolic career (4754=to serve* in a military campaign)(4760X=an encamped army) | strateia strat-i'-ah from 4754; TDNT - 7:701,1091; n f AV - warfare 2; 2 1) an expedition, campaign, military service, warfare 2) metaph. Paul likens his contest with the difficulties that oppose him in the discharge of his apostolic duties, as warfare |