G2769 |
2769keration {ker-at'-ee-on} 源自可能是2768的衍生字;中性名词 AV-husk 1;1 1)角豆荚 角豆树的荚形状如角,有甜味,用来给猪添肥,但是低阶层人的食物. |
2769keration {ker-at'-ee-on} from a presumed derivative of 2768;;n n AV-husk 1;1 1)a little horn 2)the name of the fruit,Ceratonia silqua or carobtree (called also John's Bread [from the notion that its pods,which resemble those of the "locust",constituted the food of the Baptist].This fruit was shaped like a horn and has a sweet taste;it was and is used not only for fattening swine,but as an article of food by the lower classes. |