G3056 G1


3056logos {log'-os} 源自3004;TDNT-4:69,505;阳性名词 钦定本-word 218,saying 50,account 8,speech 8,Word (Christ)7, thing 5,not tr 2,misc 32;330

-2a)理智,思考的心理机能,默想 推论的,慎思的
3)在约翰福音中,是指神的话;基督耶稣与神联合的智慧和能力; 祂在宇宙中创造和治理的职事;是世上物质和道德生命力的起因; 是为了人类的救恩而穿上人类本性,在耶稣的形体里的弥赛亚; 是神性中的第二位格,并从祂的话和行为中显着地的表明出来。

3056logos {log'-os} from 3004;TDNT-4:69,505;n m AV-word 218,saying 50,account 8,speech 8,Word (Christ)7, thing 5,not tr 2,misc 32;330

1)of speech
-1a)a word,uttered by a living voice,embodies a conception or idea
-1b)what someone has said
--1b1)a word
--1b2)the sayings of God
--1b3)decree,mandate or order
--1b4)of the moral precepts given by God
--1b5)Old Testament prophecy given by the prophets
--1b6)what is declared,a thought,declaration,aphorism,a weighty saying,a dictum,a maxim
--1c1)the act of speaking,speech
--1c2)the faculty of speech,skill and practice in speaking
--1c3)a kind or style of speaking
--1c4)a continuous speaking discourse -instruction
-1e)anything reported in speech;a narration,narrative
-1f)matter under discussion,thing spoken of,affair,a matter in dispute,case,suit at law
-1g)the thing spoken of or talked about;event,deed
2)its use as respect to the MINDalone
-2a)reason,the mental faculty of thinking,meditating, reasoning,calculating
-2d)account,i.e.answer or explanation in reference to judgment
-2e)relation,i.e.with whom as judge we stand in relation
--2e1)reason would
3)In John,denotes the essential Word of God,Jesus Christ,the personal wisdom and power in union with God,his minister in creation and government of the universe,the cause of all the world's life both physical and ethical,which for the procurement of man's salvation put on human nature in the person of Jesus the Messiah,the second person in the Godhead,and shone forth conspicuously from His words and deeds.