H2023 | הֹר | |||||||
原文音譯:Hor 對等譯字:PROMINENT (mountain) 文法分類: 出現次數:12 最先出現:民 20:22 最後出現:申 32:50 和合本譯字及次數 何珥 字義及字源追溯 山(2022=2042*=山) mountain, a form of 2022=2042=a mountain* | Hor hore another form of 02022;; n pr loc AV - Hor 12; 12 Hor = "mountain" 1) the mountain on which Aaron died; situated on the eastern side of the valley of Arabah, the highest of the whole range of sandstone mountains in Edom; on the eastern side is the ancient city of Petra 2) the mountain named as one of the marks of the northern boundary of the land which the children of Israel were about to conquer; located in Lebanon |