H2704 | חֲצַר | |||||||
原文音譯:Chatsar'-`Eynan' 對等譯字:ENVIRON (court)-RESPOND (eye) 文法分類: 出現次數:3 最先出現:民 34:9 最後出現:結 48:1 和合本譯字及次數 哈薩以難 字義及字源追溯 泉村[(2691=村莊)(2690*=圍住)+(5881=有眼)(5869*=眼,泉)] village of springs [(2691=a yard)(2690=to surround*)+(5881=having eyes)(5869=an eye*, a fountain)] | Chatsar `Eynan khats-ar' ay-nawn' from 02691 and the same as 05881;; n pr loc AV - Hazarenan 3; 3 Hazar-enan = "village of fountains" 1) a city on the northeast border of Canaan; same as 2703 |