H2769 | חֶרְמֹנִים | |||||
原文音譯:Chermowniym' 對等譯字:DEVOTE 文法分類: 出現次數:1 出現經節:詩 42:6 和合本譯字及次數 黑門 字義及字源追溯 同2768=黑門,聖山(2763*=隔離) plur. Of 2768=abrupt (2763=to seclude*) | Chermowniym kher-mo-neem' pl. of 02768;; n pr m AV - Hermonites 1; 1 Hermonites = see Hermon "a sanctuary" 1) the name for the three summits of Mount Hermon located on the border of Palestine and Lebanon |