H5855 | עַטְרֹת שֹׁופָן | |||||
原文音譯:`Atrowth'-Showpha'n 對等譯字:CROWN-SECRETED things 文法分類: 出現次數:1 出現經節:民 32:35 和合本譯字及次數 亞他錄朔反 字義及字源追溯 [(5852=亞大錄,冠冕)(5849*=加冠)+(8226*=隱藏,珍寶)] crowns of Shophan [(5852=Ataroth, a crown)(5849=to encircle*)+(8226=to conceal*)] | `Atrowth Showphan at-roth' sho-fawn' from the same as 05852 and a name otherwise unused [being from the same as 08226] meaning hidden;; n pr loc AV - Atroth Shophan 1; 1 Atroth-shophan = "crowns of their rapine" 1) a town in the territory of Gad |