H7428 | רִמֹּון פֶּרֶץ | |||||
原文音譯:Rimmon'-Pe'rets 對等譯字:POMEGRANATE-BREACH 文法分類: 出現次數:2 最先出現:民 33:19 最後出現:民 33:20 和合本譯字及次數 臨門帕烈 字義及字源追溯 破口之石榴[(7416=石榴)(7426*=上升)+(6556=破口)(6555*=突破)] pomegranate of the breach [(7416=a pomegranate)(7426=to rise*)+(6556=a break)(6555=to break* out)] | Rimmon Perets rim-mone' peh'-rets from 07416 and 06556;; n pr loc AV - Rimmonparez 2; 2 Rimmon-parez = "pomegranate of the breach" 1) a station of Israel in the wilderness |