H8115 | שָׁמְרַיִן | |||||
原文音譯:Shomra'yin 對等譯字:KEEP (guard) 文法分類: 出現次數:2 最先出現:拉 4:10 最後出現:拉 4:17 和合本譯字及次數 撒拉利亞 字義及字源追溯 (C)同8111=撒拉利亞,守望台(8104*=守) (C) Shomraiin, corresp. to 8111=watch-station (8104=to hedge* about) | Shomrayin (Aramaic) shom-rah'-yin corresponding to 08111;; n pr loc AV - Samaria 2; 2 Samaria = "watch mountain" 1) the region of northern Palestine associated with the northern kingdom of the 10 tribes of Israel which split from the kingdom after the death of Solomon during the reign of his son Rehoboam and were ruled by Jeroboam 2) the capital city of the northern kingdom of Israel located 30 miles (50 km) north of Jerusalem and 6 miles (10 km) northwest of Shechem |